El proyecto Casa Búho tiene como objetivo que los niños, niñas y jóvenes accedan a la educación, a los libros, al conocimiento, así como al placer de la lectura. La…
Category: Fomento de lectura

Arctic Adventures
This Februrary, it’s all about ecosystems! Each week we’re traveling to a different ecosystem with our Casa Búho students to explore the nature and differences that exist between these places…

Clowning Around
This week, Casa Búho continued our theme of monsters! This time we explored monsters in the movies and in popular literature. This week, we were also visited by a special…

Month of Monsters
Casa Búho continued its Month of Monsters, this time exploring “real-life” monsters. After two weeks of strike, the country has somewhat returned to normal, as has the schedule of Casa…

While the Country was on Strike…
In the past two weeks, Ecuador experienced a national strike in response to an increase in gasoline prices. Classes were suspended throughout the country as protests and roadblocks took place…

Seals, Llamas, and Insects, OH MY!
The animal kingdom was well and alive in Casa Búho this week! We continued our discussion of the ongoing fires and events in the Amazon Rainforest and paired the topic…

Los dinosaurios invaden Casa Búho
Al inicio de semana los dinosaurios se metieron en nuestra casa… Después de una entretenida conversación sobre estos increíbles animales que existieron hace millones de años nos pusimos manos a…

Dinosaurios en Casa Búho
En el mes de febrero estaremos tratando un tema nuevo para todos en Casa Búho: los dinosaurios, estos animales increíbles que nunca dejan de sorprender y despiertan la curiosidad de…

Our weekly summary by Trish
Many exciting things were happening this week. The children began school again and many of them go in the afternoon so, for the first time ever, we are having mornings…

El ojo de un fotógrafo profesional
Daniel Zapata es un fotógrafo profesional ecuatoriano y Casa Búho tuvo la suerte de recibir su visita. Nos acompañó durante una sesión del programa ‘Mi tarde de lectura’ donde asisten…